Save gas – don’t make left hand turns

Shipping giant UPS made a realization – they could save fuel and costs by reducing the number of left hand turns on their routes.
According to the NY Times, the international shipper is saving roughly three million gallons of gas a year by reducing those turns.

Think about the time and fuel used at each left hand turn. Left-hand turns are far more costly because of the waiting time involved. There’s rarely a “left on red” rule and thus drivers have to idle, wait for the lights to change and burn up gas. Depending on the cross street, that can take up considerable time and fuel.

Thinking about my new job, and duties at encounter and other places, it’s always exciting when someone comes in with a fresh set of eyes on things. You may never know how you’ve accepted doing something a certain way – only to find out there could be a much easier, simpler and cheaper way to do it.

What could you change in your ministry or church or organization to speed things up and cut costs?