Adventures in Fatherhood: The daddy routine

Hayden takes a bite out of his chair
Hayden takes a bite out of his chair - Photo by Jonathan Blundell

Once or twice a week I get to spend the whole day with my boys – just me and my boys.

At times these days have been full on stress, as I’ve tried to get other things done while watching them – I’ve learned however to just put my task list aside, focus on them a things will go a lot smoother for everyone’s concerned.

So what does an average day with daddy look like?

Well let’s see if I can type this out before afternoon naptime comes to an end.
Continue reading Adventures in Fatherhood: The daddy routine

Our happy boy

We caught IDiddy in an unusually happy mood yesterday afternoon before his 1 p.m. feeding.

Had to catch it on video and share…

He’s a great baby (they both are), but you can tell his reflux and feeding issues really affect him. He’s calm, quiet and loves to smile, except for during his flareups.

To combat his issues…

  • We have him on two doses of Zantac (1 mL each dose).
  • Two doses of Prevacid Solutabs (7.5 mL each dose).
  • He’s eating Elecare (a lactose free, amino-acid based, hypo-allergenic, expensive formula) with each feeding.
  • We’re adding a tablespoon of rice cereal to each 5 oz. bottle.
  • And… we’re adding a packet of Culturelle Probiotics to one bottle a day.

Here’s to hoping this video is evidence that something in the regimen is starting to really work…

UPDATE: Some audio from Ian talking it up after this morning’s feeding…