Caedmon’s Call Raising up the Dead – initial thoughts

Caedmon's Call Raise up the Dead
Caedmon's Call Raise up the Dead

Caedmon’s Call is back with a brand new album — Raising Up the Dead.

Derek Webb rejoins his “family” for this release and his influence is evident beyond just the production — with his writing and vocals taking part throughout the album as well.

Officially the album releases Sept. 14, 2010, but you can purchase a pre-release digital version of the album on their website today.

Musically this is a beautiful album — perhaps my favorite from Caedmon’s. You can hear the original sound that drew me to Caedmon’s Call in the first place, with an obvious maturity that comes with age and varied experiences.
Continue reading Caedmon’s Call Raising up the Dead – initial thoughts

Arcade Fire in The Suburbs – Initial thoughts

Arcade Fire - The Suburbs

I first heard about Arcade Fire’s latest release, The Suburbs via a snippet I heard on Sound Opinions Sunday night.

I’ve heard of the band, but honestly could have never told you much about them before Sunday night — other than kids seem to really dig them — and it sounded like Sound Opinions did too.

So when I Kevin Hendricks alerted me that their album was only $3.99 for download from Amazon, I grabbed it up.

And now I invite you to join me for my initial listen to the album….
Continue reading Arcade Fire in The Suburbs – Initial thoughts

A few thoughts on the 4th of July

My friend Angus Mathie over in Scotland sent me a question a few weeks back…

I am preaching at a local church, coincidentally, on the fourth of July. I have been reading from a photograph of the Declaration of Independence. I realize that I am asking a lot but is it possible to inform me what this Day means to you as a US citizen and how does the average person celebrate the Day?

I do not want to put you to a lot of trouble but I am really interested in your point of view. Please don’t be concerned about my reaction to anything you would say as I don’t cherish Britain’s colonial past at all.
With love, Angus.

Thought I’d share my thoughts here as well…
Continue reading A few thoughts on the 4th of July

The Year in Review


Jim Gray (Beaconhill NW) offered up a great list of introspective questions for closing out 2009.

I shared my answers on his blog (whether he was looking for that or not :-)) and thought I’d share them here as well.

1. What are the 2-3 themes that personally defined 2009 for me?
grace. patience. love wins.

2. What people, books, accomplishments, or special moments created highlights in 2009?
publishing my first novel in Dec., working through the foster care process to get certified as foster parents, our first cruise with friends in February and our second cruise with family in July

3. Give yourself a grade from 1-10 in the following areas of focus for 2009:
vocationally – 6
spiritually – 6
family – 6
relationally – 7
emotionally – 8
financially – 6 – this one always worries more than it probably should
physically – 7
recreationally – 6

4. What am i working on that is BIG?
I don’t know that anything I’m doing would be considered “BIG”. I’d like to think of the things I’m doing as small but having impacts on individuals – such as our podcast, my novel, laundry love, and our community groups.

5. As I move into 2010, is a majority of my energy being spent on things that drain me or things that energize me?
It’s a mixture. From 8-4:30 much of my time ends up spent on things that drain me. My evenings and weekends I try and focus on things that excite me but I’m also trying to re-prioritize some things and find more balance among the things that excite me.

6. How am I preparing for 10 years from now? 20 years from now?
Probably not very well. I’m more focused on the next 6 months than anything beyond that.

7. What 2-3 things have I been putting off that I need to execute on before the end of the year?
I hope to be doing some video/audio production work during my week off as well as some projects for our tribe – including building an online solution for tracking our “members” as well as preparing for some training for our community group facilitators.

What about you? How would you respond to these questions?

On the issue of gun control

gun control -

As you may have seen, I received an e-mail last week that bothered me a bit about gun control. I shared my response here on my blog.

I’ve received a couple good responses to the blog post via Facebook and on another blog.

Continue reading On the issue of gun control

Some crazy things about me

Well, Sara posted a list of 100 things about her on Myspace a couple years back. I followed suite and did it as well.

She just posted an updated/shorter list on her blog. Guess that means I should post a Jan. 2, 2009 version as well?

1. I tend to find things to complain about related to work too easily, but I am super thankful I have a good job.
2. I’m envious that my Life, Laurie really loves her new job.
3. I started using Uni-ball vision pens over the last year or so – I love them!
4. I’ve been carrying the same purple and green one in my pocket for a couple months.
5. I hate when you find a great pen and it turns up missing.
6. I love a great cup of coffee.
7. I have a french press at my desk so I can make a great cup whenever I choose.
8. I used the last of my Columbian coffee here at work this morning.
9. I loathe buying things based on a brand name or because they’re the “cool thing” to have.
10. Despite #9, I’ve only owned Chevy trucks and don’t plan to buy anything else.
11. I will buy a “brand name” if I think the cost:value ratio is right (hense #10).
12. A pack of Starbursts in our vending machine at work now costs $1! (see #1).
13. I used to sell candy and Little Debbies at school, usually with at least a 100% markup.
14. I may need to start a new side-job at work :-).
15. I’ve been designing websites for nearly 15 years now — self taught.
16. I think I’ve actually been paid to build 4 or 5 of them.
17. Looking back on my old designs, they suck.
18. I’m not thrilled with the current design/layout on my blog.
19. Starting the something beautiful podcasts likely tops the list of my favorite things in 2008.
20. Writing a novel is within the top 5.
21. I’d do a daily podcast/radio show if someone would pay me or I could find a couple more hours in the day.
22. I wonder if I can find someone to sponsor me, just living life and doing the things I love.
23. I’d be willing to sellout and wear a “brand name shirt” from 8-5 everyday if someone wanted to sponsor me to the tune of $40-$50k a year.
24. I have almost as much fun putting together an hour of “indie” music for the podcast as I do chatting with very cool folks like @kevinhendricks, @truckerfrank, @frankviola, @knightopia, @tallskinnykiwi and the 20 or so others I got to chat with in 2008.
25. My favorite part of editing a weekly podcast is adding Laurie’s closing statement at the end of each podcast.
26. The older I get, the worse my allergies seem to get – especially at night.
27. I think we’ve found a combination of meds that seem to really work – but I hate using nasal sprays.
28. Laurie says she can tell a big difference at night between when I use the new meds and when I don’t.
29. I used to sleep with music on almost every night.
30. Now I fall asleep to the sound of a fan.
31. I wish I was a better wood-worker.
32. My greatest achievement in wood-working thus far is a shelf I built for the garage.
33. It took me a year to finish building/staining a keep sake box for Laurie.
34. It was a wedding gift. I think she got it around our one year anniversary. :-(.
35. I don’t remember being very popular while I was growing up, but somehow I have over 400 friends on Facebook. What’s that about?
36. I would love to have kids.
37. The idea of having kids still terrifies me when I start thinking about it too much.
38. Love playing with them and enjoying them when they’re behaving. Not a big fan when they start acting up.
39. I’d secretly be thrilled if we had a baby by next Christmas.
40. Some days I feel like a walking contradiction.
41. I’ve been riding the DART bus to work for more than a year now.
42. It’s probably one thing I do that I get asked the most questions about.
43. I’m amused that riding public transportation is still so foreign to Texans.
44. Many people think the bus and rail are full of lowlifes that should be avoided no matter how much money it might save you.
45. Even though we can park for free at our new office building – I’d still rather ride the bus most days.
46. I often give Laurie a hard time about her wanting to buy nice things for me and/or our house, like a dining room table, or painting the walls.
47. Secretly I’m glad she’s doing it all and I love all that she’s done so far.
48. Laurie always gives awesome gifts.
49. I hope to one day do the “Hotter Than Hell” bike race in Wichita Falls.
50. I’d like to go skydiving and bungee jumping at some point.