Saints among the lepers


Watched the latest episode of The Simpsons. Hilarious as always. And of course when Flanders is involved, there’s a great example of grace in the midst of the story.

To summarize, as the episode begins, Homer hosts an annual Mardi Gras party and pays for it with a home equity loan.

“I’ve got a home equity loan – I borrow all the money I want and the home gets stuck with the bill”

They quickly realize that at some point their loans are due and with an ARM their payments earn a 37%+ interest rate. And the bank quickly forecloses on them.

Their neighbor, the “overly Christian” Ned Flanders, decides to buy the house on auction and lets The Simpsons move back in “paying rent as they can.” And naturally The Simpsons quickly take advantage of Flanders grace and mercy and Flanders is forced to decide between kicking the family out again or giving grace again and again and again and again….

But here’s the money quote for me ::

“You can’t be a saint unless you live among the lepers.”

How true.

I’ll let you watch the show for yourself via Hulu. Then share your thoughts.

How would you respond?