The Table Project is live

The Table Project
The Table Project’s Jason Wenell | Via

With a slogan like “We’re not about connecting people all over the world, we’re about family” – the Table Project has grabbed my attention.

In a time when Christian Facebook alternatives are popping up everywhere, the ideas behind the (non-profit) Table Project are refreshing.

The Table is a relational, online web application, custom-tailored for the church. We aim to engage the community, empower leaders, and move people beyond the pews and into authentic, life-changing friendships.

The site is based around “four legs of the table” – Introduction, Engagement, Prayer & Sharing/Serving.

Now sure you can do all these things on Facebook, or Myspace, or whatever network comes along, but The Table Project gives you an opportunity to share these things in a more private setting with members of “your family/tribe” verses broadcasting them to the world.

In fact, the team behind the project addressed the differences between The Table Project and Facebook in a recent blog post

The Three Big Differences

  • The fact that The Table is designed for “us” instead of “me” is a fundamental shift from the traditional social media mindset.
  • The Table’s atmosphere of privacy and intimacy causes different behaviors to arise that are not seen elsewhere online.
  • The fact that The Table is designed specifically for the church directs what we create and helps us to define “success” differently.

And I love their explanation video, which includes some history of the church and the importance of church as family… and not just a place we go each week.

Read more via ChurchMarketingSucks

So what do you think? Think this would be useful for your community of faith?

Or is it just another site adding to the noise?

This I believe

St Mary's College Chapel
St Mary's College Chapel | Photo by simononly

I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
He lived a life of humility, suffered undeservingly, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He conquered death on the third day and ascended into heaven where he sits at the right hand of the Father and Creator.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and an abundant everlasting life.
I believe in the priesthood of all believers, who are ordained to be bearers of this message to their sphere of influence, through their public confession and the physical act of baptism.
I believe we are invited us to join Jesus in the redemption of all creation, leading us to the day when he will return to create a new heaven and a new earth.
I believe we are called to reconcile all relationships and build greater spaces of grace through the regular invitation and celebration of the Lord’s Supper.

What do you believe?

Greg Russinger at The Idea Camp #icdc #justicefriday

For #justicefriday ::

Lots of good stuff in there. Well worth the 25 minutes.

You can read my notes from watching it the first time.

What’d you think? What notes did you take? How will you take these ideas and apply them in your community?