Disrupting an industry

Sean Lovett is on a mission. A mission to disrupt the typical brewery model with an environmentally driven business, Revive kombucha.

They collect a deposit on every bottle in the hopes of getting customers return the bottles for re-use. They're also making big changes in their shipments by switching all their vehicles to biodiesel.

And it seems to be working.


Revive from Dark Rye on Vimeo.

Now where can I get some of that kombucha? I bet Nathan Brown might have a few ideas.

The parable of the bar of soap

What can be said about a bar of soap and our faith and relation to the world around us?

Claudio Oliver has spent 20 years working with the urban poor, and on community development, dental and medical projects, team equipping, and teaching in Curitiba, Brazil.

He shares just a few of the reflections one small bar of soap can spark — spiritual, sociologic, entropologic and ecologic.
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