Well the boys are both home and are now a week and 2 days old.
We’ve had both of them home for a little more than 2 days and I thought I’d share some stats of what we’ve learned so far…
Continue reading Baby stats
Well the boys are both home and are now a week and 2 days old.
We’ve had both of them home for a little more than 2 days and I thought I’d share some stats of what we’ve learned so far…
Continue reading Baby stats
Via The IdeaCamp
Moving day has finally come and gone.
Thought I’d share some random tidbits and stats from our latest moving adventure with you… Continue reading Random moving stats
In 2009, there were 6,510,210 children between the ages of birth to 18 in the state of Texas and 1,795,971 in the North Texas region.
Continue reading Texas foster care statistics for 2009
(Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – DFPS)
In FY 2007, the average number of children removed per month was 1,327. For fiscal year 2008, the average was 1,191 per month.
Continue reading Texas foster care statistics
Here’s my stats as of right now. I’ve gotten a little bit behind, as you can see I haven’t updated each and every day.
Starting out, I think you need an average of 1,666 words a day to finish all 50,000 words in a month. I think my average for the remaining 20 days is now around 1,950 words a day (that also takes in consideration the 2-3 days I’ll probably miss this weekend due to the marriage retreat we’ll be going on).
So anyways, I’m having fun, trying not to think about it too much as in making plot decisions, grammar and such (I think that’s the biggest suggestion everyone has given).
Here’s to hoping I’ll win and have something worth sharing at the end.
A few random trivia points thus far. See if you can piece the story together.
OK that’s all you get for now – unless you can track down my profile on Nanowrimo.org
Or you can follow my #nanowrimo updates on Twitter.
Or see what other writers are tweeting about.
And read what Kevin Hendricks has written thus far.