Texas foster care statistics for 2009

In 2009, there were 27,422 children in foster care in the state of Texas.

Of those numbers, there were 5,442 children in Region 3 (North Texas)

In 2009, there were 6,510,210 children between the ages of birth to 18 in the state of Texas and 1,795,971 in the North Texas region.
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Texas foster care statistics

As of 2008, there were 31,058 children in foster care in the state of Texas.

(Texas Department of Family and Protective Services – DFPS)

Of those numbers, there are approximately 6,000 children in Region 3 (North Texas)

In FY 2007, the average number of children removed per month was 1,327. For fiscal year 2008, the average was 1,191 per month.
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