Jonathan and Laurie (one of our very first photos together)
Reba Kennedy at Everyday Simplicity suggested this past week that everyone needs a laugh list.
I’ve found that all the bad stuff stops me from laughing, and if I start laughing, with even a mild giggle, then those bad feelings evaporate away. Poof! And I’m free to enjoy the rest of my day. Getting stuff done — instead of spending wasted energy on bad emotions/bad attitudes. Casting my cares.
So, as a matter of preparedness, I offer…
Jonathan’s Laugh List
The mental image I have of our two foster boys sleeping in their beds, laying on their bellies, with their butts sticking high in the air.
I probably don’t open up emotionally enough on my blog like I could/should. Maybe that’s why my mom says she enjoys reading Laurie’s blog more than mine ;-). Or maybe that’s why you keep reading my blog. Who knows.
Either way, yesterday was a pretty emotional morning for me at church.
I think it had to do with several things and everything just kinda peaked right at the end of the service.
We’ve started a new series this month entitled, Face the Lion.
I put together a brief intro video for the series that I had a lot of fun putting together…
The music and sound F/X are all released through Creative Commons. And the music is from the movie Elephant’s Dream, which was created entirely on Open Source software and with Creative Commons license.
But I digress.
Throughout the month, different folks from encounter will share their testimony of how God has brought them through struggles and difficulties to bring them to the place they are now. My best friend Matt and I will be sharing our testimonies next week, Nov. 11.
As we geared up for the message yesterday I think I had a flurry of thoughts going through my mind. Thoughts of loosing my sister Amy nearly 2.5 years ago. Thoughts of all that Matt has gone through over the last 2.5 years, loosing his fiance, Amy, a good friend and then his dad, all within a year. And now Matt has learned that it’s very likely he has MS.
I told Laurie the other day that a big part of me wants to say, “What did Matt do so wrong to deserve all this?” and “Why is God being so unfair to him?” Yet I know that God has something bigger and better in store for him. I know that Matt is being a shining example of God’s glory to those he comes in contact with – yet I still want to raise my fist and say it’s unfair. And even still I simply can’t believe in a vengeful God who attacks us anytime He sees fit to punish us for doing something wrong. I can’t believe that everything that sucks in our life is because we did something wrong in our life. If that was the case, my sister never would have gotten sick and she never would have died. In fact when people begin to suggest that our lives would be so much better if we just “trusted God with all our heart, mind and soul” and if we stopped sinning we’d live long, happy lives, I want to punch them in the throat. Show me where Scripture assures us of that. But I’m digressing again – maybe a good reason not to get emotional on my blog….
Just before the message, Scott and the band led everyone with the song, “Worth it All.”
I just can’t help but know and believe that someday, all the crap we put up with in life will be worth it. It’s all going to seem trivial when every thing’s done and we cash our chips in and because of that, that song has gotten to me everytime the band plays it.
As Brian spoke I was reminded over and over again, “God doesn’t waste your hurt. God doesn’t waste your sorry.” It’s something I reminded some friends of last Tuesday night at our community group and yet it seemed like God was reminding me of that very thing all morning long. It’s one of those things that’s a whole lot easier said than done.
Brian asked me to pray for Matt at the end of the service and I just about fell apart before I could even get started. I think everything just hit me at once again yet I knew, “It’s gonna be worth it all” because “Your sun will never set again, and your moon will wane no more; the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.” (Isaiah 60:20)