Everyone has a story. What’s yours?

What does an average day look like for you?
Probably pretty boring, from an outsiders opinion :). I usually only get up when one of the kids wake up – though this is something I’m working on changing about myself. From that point on, I change a lot of diapers, I get a lot of snacks, drinks, and bottles, I clean, and I play. Most mornings we have some sort of errand to run, or a play group to attend, both of which are nice opportunities to get out of the house. Thrown in during the early afternoon is about a 2 hour nap time, which is when I get my personal things done for the day, and then usually take a nap. Then comes dinner, Daddy time, bath, and bed time! So my average days might seem boring to some, but I’d say they’re pretty awesome – I wouldn’t change it for the world
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