Some great Twitter peeps

You know, I’m still amazed that folks find my blog, read it and subscribe to it.

I’m also amazed that folks find what I share on Twitter worth while. But for some reason, I just crossed the 600 mark with my Twitter followers and I just want to say thanks!

For whatever reason you’ve decided I’m worth some of your time. Thanks.

I know I don’t follow everyone (I’m currently following about 400 folks) but I appreciate the time you’ve taken to follow me and share life with me. So HUGE PROPS to all of you!

UPDATE: @walter tells me that Twitter Mosaic only shows 400 or so people, so I’ve changed out the mosaic to my Twitter Friends (those I follow and they follow me back) — since I’m only following 400 or so folks, hopefully no one will get left out.

Just look at all these beautiful faces!
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