What a change

After Mike and I have talked this week about the future of print media (newspapers in particular) we began thinking about the future and how our company can succeed.

He had an interesting meeting with a client who pretty much told him, they (as well as others in their industry) don’t even consider newspapers a valid place to advertise in their market.

“I don’t read. And neither do our customers. If we want information we watch it on the news or grab it off the internet.”

So in an effort to re-focus some things, I’ve refocused myself on the paper’s website today and tonight.

I’ve been piecing together a hopefully decent database driven site.

I was able to post the entire A section of our paper online in approx. 12 minutes today, where I was spending 30-45 for the same amount of news in Belton.

It’s not quite where I want it yet — but the times are a changing.