Well, we had a feeling it would come sooner or later, but we were all hoping for later.
It’s official, My Life — Laurie, is on bed rest.
Continue reading My Life is on bed rest…
Well, we had a feeling it would come sooner or later, but we were all hoping for later.
It’s official, My Life — Laurie, is on bed rest.
Continue reading My Life is on bed rest…
Laurie’s shared a very open, honest post over on her blog – that I’d say is probably one of the most open an honest things I’ve seen her write. I’m so proud of her for writing it and sharing it.
Continue reading Life’s roller coasters
Please be in constant prayer for my good friends B and Sara. They received disappointing news from their doctor a few weeks ago regarding their unborn baby. It’s not looking good but we’re believing in a miracle and praying for one as well as comfort and peace. Here’s the latest update from Sara:
Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns. We went to see a specialist today, and there was still no good news. We found out that in addition to his multicystic kidneys, he has some sort of cyst or other obstruction in his chest cavity. The Dr. said that they can’t fully determine what it is until after he is born though. The prognosis from every Dr. we’ve seen hasn’t been good, so it’s hard to hold onto hope at this point. Specifically, I’d ask that you pray for 1) that we don’t allow our hearts and minds to become detached from this baby, but instead to be able to enjoy this time that we do have with him – even if he never gets to live on this earth. 2) We are really praying that this situation is not something that our baby inherited from us genetically, but instead is just a fluke, one-in-a-million thing. We don’t want this to be something that we might have to worry about in future pregnancies. The Dr. today said that he thinks it is just a fluke thing, so that was reassuring, but he did say that we’ll know more once the baby is born. Other than that, we’re just praying for a miracle to happen, which we know is always possible. Again, thank you so much for your & Lauries prayers. It’s been a really difficult past few weeks, and we have a few more months of it lying ahead of us.