It’s 1 a.m.

I meant to get online and write another piece to the question, “What is emergent?” but as the title suggests, it’s 1 a.m. and I’m no where near awake enough to write an explanation of Trinitarian based values.

We really enjoyed spending the evening with Tami and Michael tonight in preparation for their wedding tomorrow.

We had a good time with family and friends tonight and enjoyed some great steak at The Keg in Plano. Probably one of the best steaks I’ve had in a really long time — topped off with a great wine and a ginormous carrot cake (My blurry BlackBerry photo hardly does it justice. Hopefully Laurie got a better pic with our Nikon.)

Anyways, with a great dinner and great conversation, we didn’t leave the restaurant till after 11 and I didn’t make it back home till shortly after 12 (Laurie stayed in a nearby hotel with the other bridesmaids).

So, now I think it’s time to head to bed before a full day of wedding festivities tomorrow.

But as I head to bed, I’m wondering, what do you think about the question, “What is emergent?” Of the three areas I’ve touched on, do you agree with them? Do you disagree with them? Do you see them showing up in other traditions?

That’s it for now. []Deace!

Mike Huckabee rally

Laurie and I had a great time at the Mike Huckabee rally tonight in Plano.
We got a lot of pictures (you can find most of them on either of our Flickr pages) and I was able to get about 20 minutes worth of video. Unfortunately Huckabee didn’t get into the meat of his speech till 10-15 minutes into it so I didn’t get as much of what I would have wanted.
But you can see the video via CBS 11 KVTT online.

I thought it was a great speech. Not as inspiring as Obama’s speech from earlier in the day at Reunion Arena, but it contained a lot more substance and made me believe he knows what he believes in and he has a plan to make things happen rather than offer a lot of hope that something’s going to happen.

Should be a fun March 4th in Texas.