A prayer of benediction

Now, wherever we are, and in every place, and at every hour, throughout each time of each day, may all of us honestly and humbly believe, holding in our hearts to love, honor, adore, serve, praise, bless, glorify, exalt, magnify, and give thanks to the Most High and Eternal God, Trinity and Unity.

HT Paul Soupiset

Homebrewed Art

Chad interviewed San Antonio artist Paul Soupiset for this week’s Homebrewed Christianity.

Paul did some of the illustrations for Jesus for President (excellent stuff) and also shares a series of personal sketches and thoughts he did during lent in 2007 over on his illustration site :: http://paulsoupiset.com/lentenblog_microgallery.

You can listen to the interview here or view more of Soupiset’s artwork here… including this unused artwork from Jesus for President :: (click to see full size)

Unused artwork for Jesus for President