The week in review 9/26/12 – 9/30/12

Catching up on some photos from this week.

Discovered my lens definitely doesn’t do macro very well (didn’t really expect it to). Tried getting some closeups of some coins – no luck.

Enjoyed seeing Derek Webb at the Prophet Bar in Deep Ellum. Left my camera in the car during the show – decided I’d rather sit and enjoy the show than worry about photos.

Grabbed a few shots near my car on the way out and really wished I had my tripod.

Friday the rains came and as of Sunday afternoon, we’re still getting sprinkles here and there.

And Sunday morning – I got a kick out of watching HDiddy’s feet tapping to the music of Shaun Groves.

Tuesday briefs (4-19-11)

It’s been a while since I’ve given a brief update on all things personal — so here we go….

1. The boys are almost six months old! Crazy! They’ll reach six months in just a few days — April 21.

2. They’re both getting bigger and stronger each and every day. Ian’s been sitting up by himself a little longer than Hayden but I sat and played with both of them for probably 15 minutes tonight while they sat up and played with a ball and we only had one or two fall-overs from the two of them. We’re expecting Hayden to weigh in around 19 to 20 pounds for their six month check-up on Friday.

3. The spit-up attacks continue! We were told the five to six month mark is usually the peak of their spit-up attacks and as they learn to sit up and strengthen their muscles it should begin to decrease — we hope so. Laurie and I have both had 2-3 shirt/outfit days recently. In fact we change our clothes more often than we change theirs. For some reason most of the spit-up ends up on their bibs or on us.

4. They’re so much fun! They’re laughing at so much. In fact, Ian just entertained us for 5-10 minutes while he sat and laughed at the dog chewing her bone and Hayden just loves big raspberries blown on his belly. Of course they have their moments when they irritate us, because we have 100 things to do and they can’t stand to be left alone and only want to be held… but in reality — can we really complain about that? All our boys want is for us to hold them? Can’t be that bad…

5. The boys are in the midst of their 2nd week with their DOC Bands now and are doing great. They don’t seem to mind their bands at all. They sleep fine with them on and are now starting to wear the bands 23 hours a day. It’s amazing that we already see a difference in the shape of their heads — especially Hayden. At times it feels like we’re looking at a totally different boy.

The boys napping with their DOC Bands | Photo by Jonathan Blundell

5. Laurie just joined me in the Over-30-Club. While we still try and maintain that she’s still only 25, she did officially turn 30 on Saturday (sorry babe). But, perhaps lucky for her, she used to say, “two kids before 30” and it looks like she did just that. 🙂

6. As a follow-up to last Friday’s post, for Laurie’s birthday and our anniversary (4 years coming up next week!) I bought her an iPad. Somehow in talking myself out of buying one, I ended up peaking her interest more and more. So when the original gift I ordered didn’t arrive before Saturday, I told her we could combine the two gifts for an iPad. I think she’s enjoying it… just a little. (although I don’t think she’s ready to give her Mac Book Pro for it ;-))

7. My Fool Month of Purging Meat from my diet is going quite well. I’m actually surprised by how easy it’s been to avoid meat. I’ve passed up steak at least two or three times, burgers several times and Chick-fil-A sandwiches. Overall I don’t feel as lethargic or “bleh” after eating a full meal and I think I’m starting to see a bit more energy overall – but I’m not certain its from purging the meat or just sleeping better. Will I go vegetarian after April? Probably not – at least not 24-7, but it has proven that it’s completely doable and reminded me that I probably need to add a lot more plants to my diet regardless.

I think that about wraps it up. That’s most of what’s going on in my world.

Any questions?

The Gospel of Welcome (video)

I had the opportunity to return to encounter yesterday to fill in for Brian as he attended a family event.

It’s always an honor to be asked to speak to any group and yesterday was no exception.

My thoughts were broadcast on Ustream… and I’ve taken the video and posted my portion of it on Vimeo.

Would love your feedback and thoughts if you get a chance.

Also, I played around with the video on my iPhone Friday before and after our doctor appointment.

In case you missed it – we were given some awesome news Friday… so watch the videos to see what it was 😉

After Hours benefit for Portions for Orphans

After Hours Improv benefiting Portions for Orphans
After Hours Improv benefiting Portions for Orphans

Come join the fun – a portion of all ticket sales will go directly to helping the Portion for Orphans mission.

The business of fear

Welcome to America
Welcome to America | Illustration by Alan Cleaver

Sunday night I watched Michael Moore’s Bowling for Columbine over on Hulu.

The documentary takes a broad look at America’s obsession with guns and the fear that’s strangling our country.

I was really intrigued by Moore’s interview with Marilyn Manson, who was often blamed for the shootings in Columbine.
Continue reading The business of fear