live simply

Live Simple

   “Live simply…

So that others might simply live.”

– original author unknown

Right now we’re trying to raise money for our friends to keep their house and avoid foreclosure.

My sister’s been raising money to help a family afford their home study for an adoption.

Amy and her family are eating beans and rice all month long in order to help others fund their adoption.

Scott Harrison, and countless others, are giving up their birthday presents to provide clean water for folks around the world.

A boy in our small group has given up his Christmas and birthday presents over the last year to support a child through Compassion International.

What things/causes/issues are you making sacrifices for in your own life, in order to help others live?

(photo by cliche)

17/365 grace beyond our imagination


17/365 Originally uploaded by Jonathan D. Blundell.

grace beyond our imagination

Tonight our community group looked at John 1:16-18. We tried a different approach, lectio divina, tonight. The idea is to read, think, pray and live over verses and passages of Scripture.

1. Read – read, reread, reread, reread a passage
2. Think – what stands out to you in the passage
3. Pray – pray over what you’ve learned
4. Live – apply what you’ve learned

John 1:16-18 (the voice) :: Through this man we all receive gifts of grace beyond our imagination.
He is the Voice of God. You see, Moses gave us rules to live by, but Jesus the Liberating King offered the gifts of grace and truth which make life worth living.
God, unseen until now, is revealed in the Voice, God’s only Son, straight from the Father’s heart.

It was great hearing all the different things that stood out for folks in the passage. It’s a great reminder that God speaks to each person uniquely and for us to really know Him we need to share in our collective experiences.

As I reflected, here are the notes I jotted down ::

Jesus is the Liberating King
God’s grace is beyond our imagination — over and over and over and over again
It’s all from Jesus the Messiah

As his grace floods my life – I pray its flowing out to others as well.

Looking forward to the next few weeks as we practice this “ancient practice” further in our group.

Cool shows coming to town


Jamie Cullum is extending his US tour and will be playing in Dallas and Houston in May.

Jamie will play May 14 at the Gypsy Tea Room in Dallas and May 15 at Warehouse Live in Houston.

I’ve already got my tickets to the show. I’m stoked. His show in Austin last time through was easily one of the top 3 live shows I’ve been to and I missed him at SXSW this year.

Monk and Neagle will also be in Fort Worth March 26 at TCU for Praise Fest.