Web design
Flat UI and forms – It’s easy to forget about forms when working on new designs. Even though they’re usually mentioned at the beginning of the project, they’ve often come us as a last minute request. After everything is said and done someone says, “Hey we need a contact form.”
The problem is that in the push for simplicity, flat UIs may have gone too far. With content, things like drop shadows, gradients, and borders may well be no more than useless “embellishments.†When we read a multi-page news article, it doesn’t matter much whether the mechanism to move to the next page is a button or a link. With forms, however, distinguishing between a button and a link matters far more.
Fitbit Force review – I personally have the Jawbone Up and really like it – but this Fitbit Force might be my next purchase in personal fitness tracking. Only thing that seems to be missing is the slow-wake alarm that Jawbone offers – but seems to be a hit or miss for me depending on how much sleep I actually get that night.
Is it easier to stream legally or illegally? – I think it’s becoming more obvious that more and more people are wanting to stream content directly to their TVs or mobile devices, however I’ve often found that the content I want isn’t available ANYWHERE legally – or it falls into crazy DRM restrictions that block me from displaying it on my TV from my mobile devices. Not that I condone the behavior but it doesn’t surprise me at all that so many people stream content illegally.
How sleep detoxes our brains
Eats and Drinks
Vegan party dieshes even omnivores can enjoy
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