Morning Cup of Links 10/20/13

Morning Cup of Links

A few links to enjoy your morning cup of coffee​.

I’m drinking my second French Roast this morning from The Robinson Family. How about you?


SEO for Responsive Websites – “When Google announced its preference for user-friendly responsive websites in June 2012, I immediately saw an influx of posts that equated responsive design with search engine optimization. This is unfortunate because, while responsive websites can be SEO-friendly, some responsive websites are not”

25+ Flat UI Kits for Web Designers – Speed up your production and design with some of these flat design kits.


Bill Gates and President Clinton on the NSA, Safe Sex and American Exceptionalism – How great would it be to sit in a room with these two over coffee?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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