Verse for today

We’ll be looking at one of my favorite verses tonight at our community group:

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
Acts 4:13

Eugene Peterson puts it this way:

They couldn’t take their eyes off them—Peter and John standing there so confident, so sure of themselves! Their fascination deepened when they realized these two were laymen with no training in Scripture or formal education. They recognized them as companions of Jesus, but with the man right before them, seeing him standing there so upright—so healed!—what could they say against that?

a ((deep)) recap


Thomas has a great recap of ((deep)) on the Nanolog.

I’m listening to the podcast right now (you’ll need iTunes to listen to it).

After worship… Janet Robson spoke on the disciple John >> considering who John thought Jesus was >> shaping her thoughts/feelings on the subject matter into 3 points ::

  1. Words matter! Words can build us up… or tear us down. When God spoke (as recorded in Genesis 1) things happened. Word >> Action.
  2. John Baptizer’s job description was… “help people take it in… and take it on.” This is our job description as followers of Jesus.
  3. We are, by right, the children of God. It is a right and a blessing. But with rights come responsibilities >> just as “the Word became flesh”… we need to be the “flesh” of the Word in our own circles of influence >> family… work… play… etc. We need to show our people what Jesus looks like.

Great stuff! Keep up the great work Thomas. I’m excited to see how it this continues.