a ((deep)) recap


Thomas has a great recap of ((deep)) on the Nanolog.

I’m listening to the podcast right now (you’ll need iTunes to listen to it).

After worship… Janet Robson spoke on the disciple John >> considering who John thought Jesus was >> shaping her thoughts/feelings on the subject matter into 3 points ::

  1. Words matter! Words can build us up… or tear us down. When God spoke (as recorded in Genesis 1) things happened. Word >> Action.
  2. John Baptizer’s job description was… “help people take it in… and take it on.” This is our job description as followers of Jesus.
  3. We are, by right, the children of God. It is a right and a blessing. But with rights come responsibilities >> just as “the Word became flesh”… we need to be the “flesh” of the Word in our own circles of influence >> family… work… play… etc. We need to show our people what Jesus looks like.

Great stuff! Keep up the great work Thomas. I’m excited to see how it this continues.

There’s just something about His name

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
There’s just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus
Like the fragrance after the rain
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
Let all heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms shall all pass away
But there’s something about that name.

Words by Bill Gaither

40 Days in the desert

Jesus in the desert - Day 1

I caught Andrew’s suggestions on the “40” illustrations by Simon Smith today.

I thought the music selection of Jap-Jap’s “Blue Shimmery Fall” was great, so I put a video together in Windows Movie Maker – yes that’s right Thomas, you can do video with Windows XP :-).

Anyways, I thought it made for a great story and backing track.

I’d like to try it with Third Day’s “King of Glory” as well – but that will have to come at a later time, as I only have it on my Mp3 player and not on my Lappy 486.

What do you think? Any other musical suggestions?

40 Days in the desert

Jesus in the desert - Day 21

I’ve been trying to get this posted for a while now, let’s see if I can get it done this time…

Andrew was blogging on a conference he attended on the emergent church and talked about this illustration of Jesus’ 40 days in the desert.

Pretty cool illustration.
Check it out

JESUS Podcast

Belén luminoso

Jesus has His own podcast now.

The Jesus movie is now available to be downloaded to your computer or iPod or Mp3 player. How cool is that?

That’s great thinking on the part of Campus Crusade.

I’ve really enjoyed my copy of The Message on Mp3. It’s a great picker upper anytime I need it.