Things to do with boxed wine

To continue with my recipe postings…
Wisebread has seven things to do with boxed wines:
Mulled Wine
Fruit Salad Glaze
Salad Dressings
Gourmet Cooking on the Cheap

It may be a while before Laurie and I try any of these. We bought a red and white wine from De Vine Wine Saturday and I think were planning on saving that till Friday or Saturday when we close and move into our new house! Whoo hoo!

What should I blog about?

I hear people tell me all the time that they don’t know what they’d blog about.

Everyone has something interesting to say.

There are 1 million stories in the naked city every night – or so they say.

But the key is to write about what you’re passionate about.

I love doing a random check over at technorati or other sites to see what keywords pop up in my blog posts.

You can see right away what I write the most about and by reading my blog you can probably tell very easily what my passions are. I write about things I’m passionate about.

If you’re passionate about your pets, write about your pets. If you’re passionate about your job, write about your job. If you’re passionate about health care or politics or your church or your God, write about it.

ChurchCommunicationsPro has started a new series for pastors who need to be blogging.

It’s got some great pointers for “the rest of us” as well.

Some of the posts include:

  • How to Get Blogging in About Four Steps, Five Minutes [See below]
  • Why I Suggest Pastors Use
  • Blog Your Passsion, First and Foremost
  • 10 Topic Ideas for Blogging Pastors
  • Blogging as the Spiritual Discipline of Journaling
  • How to Read a Blog … for Pastors
  • Make a Blog Posting Schedule
  • How to Write a Blog Post … for Pastors: 6 Ideas
  • The Best Blog Posts … Are Often Lists
  • Writing Effective Headlines, or Post Titles

The site also has 5 questions with 44 different blogging pastors that are each great reads.
Check it out and pass it along to your pastor. It will be well worth it.

How do you get creative with your phonecam?

Have you bought a camera phone and still don’t know what it’s good for?
Check out some of these ideas:

  • Remember where you parked – In a parking lot or garage, snap a photo of the section where you’ve parked. If you’re parked on the street in a strange neighborhood, grab a picture of an address, a landmark, or of the signs for the cross street.
  • “Wishlist” items you might want to buy later – If you’re out and about and happen to see a CD, book, or other consumable you might want to pick up later on, snap a photo of the item’s barcode. When you get home you can look the item up on Amazon or and find the best price, or just add it to your canonical online wishlist.
  • Show people where you’ve put things – If you’ve moved the mayonnaise jar with little Tyler’s college money or relocated the good scissors to your work bench, snap a photo and mail it to your housemates.

What do you use your phone for?

UPDATE (4/17/12): Or you could just take photos and share them over the Interwebs… 🙂