Jesus loves the little children


Why do we teach children – “Jesus loves the little children…” but then when they “grow up” we show them that Jesus doesn’t love them unless they fit certain requirements?

Jesus loves the little children,
All the children of the world.
Red and yellow, black and white,
All are precious in His sight,
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Some great Twitter peeps

You know, I’m still amazed that folks find my blog, read it and subscribe to it.

I’m also amazed that folks find what I share on Twitter worth while. But for some reason, I just crossed the 600 mark with my Twitter followers and I just want to say thanks!

For whatever reason you’ve decided I’m worth some of your time. Thanks.

I know I don’t follow everyone (I’m currently following about 400 folks) but I appreciate the time you’ve taken to follow me and share life with me. So HUGE PROPS to all of you!

UPDATE: @walter tells me that Twitter Mosaic only shows 400 or so people, so I’ve changed out the mosaic to my Twitter Friends (those I follow and they follow me back) — since I’m only following 400 or so folks, hopefully no one will get left out.

Just look at all these beautiful faces!
Continue reading Some great Twitter peeps

What is emergent? Missional

what is emergent?

Read Part 2 :: What is emergent? Centered set

While there seem to be countless folks in the Church who are more than happy to avoid being labeled emergent, the exact opposite seems to be true for the term missional. More and more folks are rushing to use the term to define their ministries. Some have even suggested it may soon take the place of evangelical in the near future.

And while emergents can be included in the ranks of those using the term it shouldn’t be assumed that those claiming to be missional should also be labeled as emergent. But from my experience it tends to be a strong piece within emerging Christianity — and something I’m working to understand and practice more fully in my daily life.

attractional vs missional

Like I originally noted about sharing my thoughts on emerging, this is not in the least an exhaustive explanation of the term missional. There are far better places to find that information than here. My hope is that this will serve as a basic primer and how it relates to the emerging conversation.

The term missional springs from Missio Dei, or the Mission of God. While historically many have seen only certain “called” members as those active in the Mission of God (either on the foreign mission field or as full time pastors and ministers to their locale), emerging Christianity sees the role of all Christians to be about the Missio Dei each and every day — regardless of their occupation or locale.
Continue reading What is emergent? Missional

Fill in the blank

love wins

Quick… take this well known passage and fill in your name in each of the blanks ::

If I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr, but I don’t love, I’ve gotten nowhere. So, no matter what I say, what I believe, and what I do, I’m bankrupt without love.
Continue reading Fill in the blank

God’s heart for the poor

As noted earlier, God has a huge heart and love for YOU – but he also has a huge heart for EVERYONE ELSE – including the poor, the marginalized, the hurting, the oppressed. And if we’re to be on the side of God – we should be on the side of the poor.

As a refresher, check out this list of Scriptures from the MissionalChurchNetwork:

Continue reading God’s heart for the poor