NPR has a story on a head-scratching quote from then-Gov. George W. Bush that almost ran in a San Antonio Express News article. Bush reflected on why his father did not “take out” Saddam Hussein.
In the interview with the paper in 1997, Bush said that the consequences of killing Hussein — losing U.S. soldiers as the result of sniper fire — would “turn the tide of public opinion very quickly.”
The quote was published for the first time this week; it was not used in the original San Antonio Express News story because the reporter also interviewed former President George H.W. Bush, and he added the elder Bush’s remarks in the story at the expense of his son’s — seemingly innocuous — quote.
Tag: George Bush
Colbert at the White House Correspondants dinner

Stephen Colbert roasted the president and his staff last week at the White House Correspondant’s Dinner.
Here’s what one blogger wrote about it:
Bush glowered. Laura looked confused. Scott McClellan was like a dead deer caught in the headlights. Many of the journalists, celebs, ranking generals and other ‘notables’ at the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner laughed openly, albeit uncomfortably, as Stephen Colbert of “The Colbert Report” just made himself about 500 times more of a national treasure and cemented himself as one of the most fearless satirists of this generation (instantly outpacing Jon Stewart, who, you get the feeling, wouldn’t have had the nerve to go as far as Colbert did) by way of a savage and hilarious roast/takedown of President Bush, who was seated not eight feet away.
It’s hillarious. If you haven’t seen it or hear it, do so.
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