One of the blogs I follow – far beyond the stars wrote this week about the Secret of Minimalist Freedom Success…
For some of you, you may think there’s nothing of real value in the post… but here’s the kicker…
I’ll make this as short as possible, so you can print it off and paste it right above your LCD screen on your laptop. So you don’t forget it when you’re globe trotting through the world with other people who have mastered the secret like the case-studies I will list below.
You need to lead a lifestyle that you want people to live.
As I read Everett’s post, it resounded more and more…
Anyone can get up and tell you how to live your life. I can write posts day and night about how we should love others, or how we should simplify our lives, or how our stories matter — but really hits home is when people can see you living that life.
Want to convince me to love my wife? Show me how to do it by loving your wife.
Want to convince me to give more? Show me how to do it by giving more.
Want to convince me to read my Bible more? Show me how to do it by reading your Bible more.
And not only show me – but tell me about it. Tell me all the great things that you’ve discovered in doing these things.
And not only that, but tell me when things don’t turn out as you’ve planned as well.
Be real, authentic and honest — and live it out.
Pretty simple really.
Now why can’t I do that?…..