Update your WordPress copyright date automatically

Three months into the new year and I’m still coming across several websites that I manage that are still showing a copyright for last year.


It’s easy to forget as the calendar rolls over to update all your copyright (or Creative Commons) tags on your websites, so why not automate it?

Simply replace the latest year (i.e. © 2005-2010 Jonathan D. Blundell) with this simple code:

<?php echo date('Y'); ?>

So you’re resulting copyright line will look like this:

&copy; 2005-<?php echo date('Y'); ?> Jonathan D. Blundell

And every year, your copyright statement will update with the current year.

Easy peasy!

Now I just need to go update this in all my footers… DOH!

Meeting the girl of my dreams

Almost 2 years ago… exactly (as I write this)… I sent a text message to a beautiful woman.
The message read, “standby for a knock at your door.”
She didn’t get the message till 4 or 5 hours later.

But in the meantime I met and got to know this same beautiful woman over a dinner at Blue Mesa, a trolley ride and coffee at Cafe Brazil.

Yup. 2 years ago today I met my wife for the very first time… in person that is.

Come to find out later – she’s not a big fan of Blue Mesa and she had a strict one-date rule. If she wasn’t impressed on the first date – you’re done – you’re through – no more attention from her.

Yet some how another I managed to impress her with not knowing where to board the trolley and running out of things to do by 8:30 p.m…. luckily you can always count on Cafe Brazil (or maybe it was the singing of the Aladdin theme that impressed her — doubtful).

Now after knowing her for two years its amazing to think about all the changes that have happened in our lives – and all for the better.

I can’t imagine my life any other way than with her by my side.

Happy “unofficial anniversary” Laurie. You are the pride of my life. I love you more than I ever thought possible!