5 reasons I love being in a small group

Jonathan and Aaron

Abraham Piper (who has a great blog that you should be reading) shared 5 reasons he doesn’t like being in a small group this week.

I don’t disagree with his reasons, but thought I’d share the flip side – 5 reasons I love being in a small group.

  • I love watching people grow in their faith
  • I love seeing people build sanctuary (spaces of grace) for others
  • I realize I’m not the only one struggling and wrestling
  • I learn many things from the stories of others
  • The food is great

What about you? What do you love about small groups/community groups? What do you dislike about them?

5 Myths of Community

The Myth

Found a great podcast featuring Mark Scandrette during my break. In it, he addresses 5 Myths of Community.

“If we want real community like the early church… we must be willing to embrace hurt and suffering… because love is costly.”

Sounds very counter-intuitive to the American dream and empire.
Continue reading 5 Myths of Community

The parable of the bar of soap

What can be said about a bar of soap and our faith and relation to the world around us?

Claudio Oliver has spent 20 years working with the urban poor, and on community development, dental and medical projects, team equipping, and teaching in Curitiba, Brazil.

He shares just a few of the reflections one small bar of soap can spark — spiritual, sociologic, entropologic and ecologic.
Continue reading The parable of the bar of soap

Co-op dinner time

Jose and Sally

It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our infamous dinner clubs at our house. I always had lots of fun having folks over for a themed meal — with everyone participating in the cooking and eating of the meal.

Granted, we do have our weekly small group which sometimes takes on the dinner club idea with everyone pitching in for the meal, but even participation in that’s been slacking as of late.

But I came across an interesting article today, talking about building community around the preparation and enjoyment of a family’s evening dinner.
Continue reading Co-op dinner time

Bono to ground control – ‘Houston we have no problem’

U2 in Houston, Texas Oct. 2009 :: With or Without You


Resting up from a quick trip to and from Houston, Texas last night to see four Irish lads and their space station (aka U2‘s 360 World Tour).
Continue reading Bono to ground control – ‘Houston we have no problem’

Greg Russinger at The Idea Camp #icdc #justicefriday

For #justicefriday ::

Lots of good stuff in there. Well worth the 25 minutes.

You can read my notes from watching it the first time.

What’d you think? What notes did you take? How will you take these ideas and apply them in your community?