Mr Way too Liberal for Texas Guy

Chris Bell and me at a campaign stop in Waxahachie

As a follow up to the “Mr Way too Proud of Texas Guy” from Budweiser, the Rick Perry campaign is about to drop a new radio ad against Chris Bell. It goes to show you that the Republican campaign has a sense of humor too.

It is absolutely hilarious.

I may have to vote for Perry just for releasing this ad.


According to “insiders” the radio ad drop this afternoon on the air.

Chris Bell comments on Kinky and Strayhorn

Chris Bell and me at a campaign stop in Waxahachie

I talked with Jason Stanford, a spokesperson for the Chris Bell campaign and he got a comment from the candidate for me (it was technically for the paper, but thought it was worth sharing here):

“Today shows why this race will come down to me and Rick Perry. While the independent candidates have to get non-voters to sign petitions and spend millions build statewide networks from scratch, I’m campaigning across South Texas and uniting a proven grassroots army called the Texas
Democratic Party.”

With four candidates this fall it should be interesting.