Ethics question of the day

So a same sex couple in New Mexico wanted to have a commitment ceremony.
They started looking for a photographer and contacted one via e-mail.
In returned they received: “We do not photograph same-sex weddings. But thanks for checking out our site! Have a great day!”
The couple was hurt, devastated and apparently angry. They sued the photographer for discrimination.
At the hearing, the photographer said that when he and his wife formed the company two years ago, they made it company policy not to shoot same-sex ceremonies, because the ceremonies conflicted with their Christian beliefs.
“We wanted to make sure that everything we photographed — everything we used our artistic ability for, everything we told a story for or conveyed a message of — would be in line with our values and our beliefs,” he said.
The couple won the case and the photographer was forced to pay the $6,600 in attorney fees.
Who was in the right here? Was anyone? What would you have done if you had been the photographer? What would you have done if you had been the couple?
How do you think Jesus would have handled the situation?

Listen to the full story.