This is your brain on God

Your Brain on God | Image from

Ever wonder why Jesus says, “Pray for your enemies, bless those who persecute you.”? Ever started praying for someone and realize that while sometimes they may change — it’s usually you who changes the most in the process.

I had a friend in college that often warned me, “couples who pray together – lay together.” His logic was that if praying for your enemy changes you so much – then praying with and for your significant other makes the attractions that much stronger. Can’t say I disagree.

Scientists are now starting to see that in meditating and praying for people we physically mold our brains differently!

NPR reports

More than half of adult Americans report they have had a spiritual experience that changed their lives. Now, scientists from universities like Harvard, Pennsylvania and Johns Hopkins are using new technologies to analyze the brains of people who claim they have touched the spiritual — from Christians who speak in tongues to Buddhist monks to people who claim to have had near-death experiences. Hear what they have discovered in this controversial field, as the science of spirituality continues to evolve.

Methodist minister Scott McDermott says, “I think we’re wired for the supernatural. I think we’re meant to sense a world beyond our five senses. Come on! Taste and see that God really is good.”

What do you think? Check out the full 5 part series on NPR.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3