What is emergent? Centered set

what is emergent?

Read Part 1: What is emergent? Generous Orthodoxy

I remember somewhere along the way in school, we studied bounded sets and centered sets. I couldn’t tell you how all the formulas worked, but I remember it was a nice change from the other algebra and/or geometry we were doing at that time.

I had all but forgotten about these two terms until I recently became aware of them as part of the emerging conversation (and more specifically in reading “Not the Religious Type: Confessions of a Turncoat Atheist” by Dave Schmelzer.

So often we do out best to figure out who’s in and who’s out of our club. Who can we trust? Who’s our friend? Who’s really on our side? Are they really a Republican or just a Republican in Name Only? Are they really a liberal or are they just hoping to win friends?
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