Zac Browser

This is a cool example of finding a way to make things work – when there’s not (many) other options available.

From USA Today:

John LeSieur is in the software business, so he took particular interest when computers seemed mostly useless to his 6-year-old grandson, Zackary. The boy has autism, and the whirlwind of options presented by PCs so confounded him that he threw the mouse in frustration.

LeSieur tried to find online tools that could guide autistic children around the Web, but he couldn’t find anything satisfactory. So he had one built, named it the Zac Browser For Autistic Children in honor of his grandson, and is making it available to anyone for free.

The browser is geared towards kids with autism but looks like it could be a good way for other kids to learn the web and computers as well.

Download the software here.