Don’t tell Glenn Beck — but in the great area of Alberta, Canada, a new breed of superheroes are in town — the Social Justice Superheroes.
My dear friend Sister Simplify (aka Paula Spurr) got a nice write up for her league of superheroes in Geeze Magazine.
We are a team of social justice superheroes who masquerade as teenagers and boring adults most of the time.Our mandate is to fearlessly do good deeds, to educate our peers about social justice issues, and to encourage each other in our efforts to change the world. We meet bi-weekly at League Headquarters (my house), sharing a simple meal, praying for each other, and discussing our next plan of action.
Over our brief history, we have fasted on World Hunger Day, volunteered at the local food bank, gathered excess clothing and blankets to share with the homeless, washed windows for elderly neighbours, bought nothing on Buy Nothing Day, and helped to sort shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child.
Our members include The Mercy Monkey, Anti-Materialistic Man, and Love Machine. We all have amazing superhero costumes that we made ourselves out of things we already owned. We are hoping to expand our ranks, and are always looking for new ways to serve and educate the public around us.
Their mission :: To fight injustice, to right that which is wrong and to serve all mankind…
So AWESOME! Keep it up Social Justice Superheroes!
Wanna know more about Paula? Follow her on Twitter: @cowpunkmom or as her alter ego: @sistersimplify.
We’ve also shared her story on the podcast and interviewed her on We Live Simply.
Keep up the great work Paula — you continue to be an inspiration!