Scoble working for John Edwards

Former Microsoft evangelist Robert Scoble is about to leave PodTech.
He’s planning to announce his next position on Jan 15th.

Brian Bailey suggests that Scoble may be looking at going to work for the John Edwards campaign – depending on the results of the Iowa caucus. Edwards has been locked in 3rd place most of the election season. But he could still pull out a surprise in Iowa, knocking off Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Of course I still think Ron Paul and Mike Huckabee have the best online presences of the campaign – although Ron Paul’s camp isn’t doing most of theirs – it’s his supporters. The same for Mike Huckabee, except his campaign actually shares, posts and links to user created content, where as Paul almost seems to ignore the user created content.

Huckabee doesn’t seem like much of a dark horse anymore. Depending on the poll he’s clearly leading in Iowa and tied or leading the GOP race nationally. Paul on the other hand could still come out from behind and surprise everyone.

Should be interesting to see what happens on both the GOP and Dem side.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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