recapping (Or how we celebrated our one-year anniversary)

Well today I’m working from home. WooT! Technology (specifically VPN) is awesome.
I plan to get started on work at 8 a.m. just like a normal day, so before then I get a little extra time to work on the discussion for tonight’s community group as well as play some catch up on a few blogs, including mine. I should probably put some coffee on too.

So I guess it’s official now, Laurie and I are no longer “newlyweds” or “rookies.” We’ve enjoyed one whole year together. 365 days. Awesome. We were wondering when the newlywed title gets dropped and we were assured Saturday night that once you pass your one-year marker you’re officially no longer considered newlyweds. Good stuff to know.

We celebrated over the weekend with a night at the Magnolia Hotel in Downtown Dallas. Made for a super short commute for me after work on Friday. We enjoyed dinner at California Pizza Kitchen in Highland Park and then headed over to NorthPark Mall for some window shopping and to watch Baby Momma.

Hilarious movie but it may not have topped the lady we saw on the way to the movie. Sitting at a light near the mall, in a mid-size car (Honda or Nissan), with nice manicured nails, this lady was very involved in her cellphone conversation. So involved that she didn’t seem to notice we saw her digging in her nose. But not only did she dig – she ate! OH MY GOSH! And if that wasn’t enough. She did it again. Oh dear. Maybe we should put an ad on Craigslist to find out who this woman was.


After th movie we headed back to the hotel and enjoyed a quick tour of the main lobby areas in the former oil company headquarters. Then back to the room for a quiet night and sleeping in.

Saturday morning we were ready to head out and the valet service brought our car around and parked another car next to ours. We loaded our luggage, got in the car, started it up and then crunch – we realized we better not try and go anywhere to soon. Apparently one of the valets opened the rear driver side door of the other car a bit to far and the door wedged itself on our car as it started to drive away. JOY! Now there’s a nice 5-inch gash in the side of our rear passenger door. Luckily the valet service promised to take care of everything and they wrote up a claim ticket (which I had to come back Monday to sign and pickup). Finally after everything was sorted out we were on the road again.

We ate breakfast at IHOP and then headed over to the Dallas Arboretum for several hours. What started out as a sunny and chilly day (pre-accident) turned into a nice warm cloudy day (post accident) — so it was a nice day for enjoying the gardens.

After our strolls through the Arboretum we picked up the Pres-i-nator from Laurie’s parents and headed home – only to quickly turn around and head to Tracy’s 40th birthday party in Cedar Hill. We had a great time there and even enjoyed watching Matt and Aaron’s mom get her jig on out on the dance floor.

We wrapped up the evening by stopping by Matt’s to see how he was doing on his packing job.

Finally Sunday proved to be just as busy as normal. I actually slept in for a change and rode to church with Laurie – passing off my normal routine of getting up early, meeting a friend for breakfast and heading to the Waxahachie Civic Center to set up for encounter. We arrived right on time and left soon after the service to enjoy a quick lunch with friends. Afterwards we headed to Matt’s loft to help him load all his stuff into trucks to move it to his new house in Mesquite.

After the move I came home, mowed and don’t remember much after that. I think it was a quick dinner, a little TV and then crashing before much longer.

Monday, work came as usual and then we enjoyed dinner together at an Outback Steakhouse – where we ate on our wedding night. We then went to “look” at mattresses at Sleep Experts. We decided we would help stimulate the economy with our stimulus check by buying ourselves a new king size mattress for our bed. The mattress we have now is not horrible, but it’s what you would expect from a King Size mattress I bought on close-out for $100 (box springs and all). So we ordered our mattress and are looking forward to putting our stimulus check to work as soon as it gets deposited (hopefully this week).

And there you have it. The fun, the adventure, the drama. All in one. And that my friends is how we celebrated our one-year anniversary.

Comments? Questions? Now where’s my coffee?

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “recapping (Or how we celebrated our one-year anniversary)”

  1. Sounds like a fun weekend. The Magnolia is where we spent our wedding night. Great hotel! Thankfully we did not get a gash in our car.
    I too saw Baby Mama at Northpark this weekend. Friday evening actually.
    Congrats on 1 year!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend. The Magnolia is where we spent our wedding night. Great hotel! Thankfully we did not get a gash in our car.
    I too saw Baby Mama at Northpark this weekend. Friday evening actually.
    Congrats on 1 year!

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