After I wrote my last post I was thinking about all the things I’m selfish about. There are lots.
Then I stopped and read today’s reading from Night Light by Dr James Dobson and his wife Shirley. This whole week has been about serving others, especially your mate. Tonight’s reading was no different.
“If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” – Matthew 16:24
I had to stop and think about that. How does that apply to my relationship with Laurie. What must I deny myself of? What about my relationship with my parents or other family members? What must I deny myself of? What about my relationship with my co-workers, my boss, the taxpayers I work for? What must I deny myself of? What about the sick, and the tired and the poor? What must I deny myself of to show Christ to each of these people?
Television advertisers are experts at “rattling the cages” of viewers. They understand the philosophy of today’s audience: Look out for number one. That’s why we’re bombarded with slogans such as “Have it your way”; “You deserve a break today”; and “Because I’m worth it.” Their goal is to appeal to our self centered nature and manipulate us into buying a product. Frequently, they succeed.
The “I’m Third” approach to life is in direct contradiction to these ads. And well it should be! Jesus tells us that our obligation in following Him must be to deny ourselves — to let go of the steering wheel, so to speak, and let the Lord drive. Secondly, we are to love and care for others. Try implementing these priorities. They will lead to a better marriage in this life and eternal rewards in the next.
God first, others second, myself third. A simple phrase, but it contains far more wisdom for living life to the fullest than anything you’ll see or hear on a television ad.
I don’t think these are principals for just marriage. These are principals for life. I remember singing a couple songs growing up that I think we tend to forget or ignore as we grow older.
Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world. Red and yellow black and white, they are precious in his sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world.
The other one went something like this:
Jesus and others and you. What a wonderful way to spell JOY. Jesus and others and you. In the life of each girl and each boy…
Would we really need immigration reform in America if Christians started acting like followers of Christ? You tell me.