Moving day has finally come and gone.
Thought I’d share some random tidbits and stats from our latest moving adventure with you…
- This is the third place Laurie and I have lived together.
- Every other time I’ve moved with Laurie — it’s rained.
- It didn’t rain at all during this move. The rain was threatening in the morning, but held off. Hope it’s a good sign.
- This is the first time I’ve lived outside of the I-35 corridor (within 5 miles of I-35) in 10 years.
- This is the first time I’ve lived in Kaufman County — Laurie’s second.
- Laurie’s brother lives less than 3 blocks away.
- Our entire immediate family lives within a 15 minute drive.
- Previously it was closer to 45 minutes.
- This is our 2nd home built by DR Horton.
- This is the furthest east I’ve ever lived.
- It took two men roughly three hours to load our three bedroom home into the moving truck.
- It took roughly an hour to unload it all (with help from me, my brother-in-law and best friend.
- We hired Starving Students to move our house. We were told that there are no known students actually working for the company these days (at least locally).
- Apparently people usually tip their movers. Who knew? We gave $10 per mover.
- We had four offers on our previous home. All were at least $10k less than what we were asking.
- Best advice for selling your home these days — don’t expect to get your asking price — and set aside money in advance to cover any negative balance you’ll likely end up with.
- Best advice for buying a home — don’t pay full price and/or ask for any and all extras you want. The worst they can say is no.
- Best advice for moving — get rid of as much stuff as you can before hand. If you haven’t used it in three months — you probably won’t be using it your new home. Toss it. The less you have — the less you have to move.