Prayer request for B and Sara

Sara posted an update on her blog about the situation with their unborn son, Elliot last night. PLEASE keep B, Sara, big sister Sydney and Elliot in your prayers. Pray for a miracle and for God to receive glory in the midst of this situation…

A couple of people have been asking me how things have been progressing with the baby, so I thought I’d go ahead and give a little update…

First, we have decided to name our son Elliot. The name is a form of Elijah or Eli, which means “My God is the LORD” and “Uplifted”. I think both are fitting for our situation…

We went back to the doctor yesterday, and he basically said that nothing has changed. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant, and Elliot is growing right along pace, but he only has one kidney, and it is still not functioning, so therefore there is still no amniotic fluid surrounding him. According to everything the doctors can see through the numerous sonograms we’ve had, Elliot has a 0% chance of survival once he is born.

Brandon and I are doing OK -we’re trying to just take it all one day at a time, and attempting to be as normal as possible. Thank you for your prayers and concerns – I do believe that it is only by Gods mercies that we have any measure of peace and comfort right now. It really makes me wonder how anyone can go throughout life not knowing the love, compassion, and peace that Christ alone can offer. A verse I have really been clinging to is:

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Truely, so great is Gods Faithfulness!

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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