Just a heads up, things may be changing around here over the next week or so. I’m playing with a few themes for something new and fresh. If you click on the blog and see something you really like (colors etc) leave a comment and let me know. Thanks for your patience!
UPDATE: 6/30/09 12:58p
Currently tweaking the Irresistible theme from Woo Themes. I think there are a couple things that seems to make it incompatible with WordPress 2.8 though.
- I can’t add tags in the individual posts
- The featured video feature isn’t working right either
- The tabs on the side with recent comments, popular posts and tag cloud aren’t showing as actual tabs
- I can’t add photos from within the posts – in fact none of the upload/insert buttons work
- And the Viper’s Video plugin isn’t working either
Because of the way the theme’s been released, I either have to pay $70 to get support or trying and hack it on my own. So it may not last much longer…. But I like the general idea/concept.
UPDATE: 7/1/09 5:15p
Well, as you can see now, I’ve done away with the irresistible theme. It wasn’t so irresistible as of yet. I had to go back to another theme just to include the images in this post. Geeze.
But now I’m tweaking and working on revamping my old layout with a new color scheme and look. I think I like it better. I’m taking some of the best of the old, merging it with things I liked about Irresistible and going from there. We’ll see how it turns out :-).
Feel free to look at the above images and compare it to what I’m working on currently and let me know what you think.
Looks nice, JD!
Looks nice, JD!