NPR cancels Bryant Park Project

NPR just announced they’ll be canceling the Bryan Park Project. The last airing of the program will be July 25th.
I haven’t listened to the show much other than clips here and there online – our local NPR station doesn’t air it – it’s only on 28 stations around the country.
But it’s always sounded like a fun program – and gives NPR a “youthy edge.”
Anyone else going to miss the show?
There’s a Facebook group out there for those of you who want to show your support.

Listen to the announcement from the show.

It’s an expensive failure — the first-year budget was more than $2 million — and comes at a time when NPR is facing the same financial constraints as other news media thanks to higher costs and a downturn in underwriting.

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Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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