
sunday school 1960 - http://www.flickr.com/photos/therenniefamily/2409907031/

Not sure who started it, or where it came from, but found out about the #myfavoritebiblestory Twitter meme last night at dinner.

The basic gist of it is “What’s your favorite Bible story” but complete with irony and sarcasm.

What’s really interesting is to see how folks have responded. While many of the tweets have come from one or two people, they’ve been retweeted and added to by a number of folks. And I would say the irony of these stories highlight some of the real issues people have with the Church and Christianity today.

So the question is, do we ignore it by calling it offensive, or do we start working to fix it?

Hope no one takes offense, but these are some of my favorites….

msouth: #myfavoritebiblestory Is when Jesus comissiones the church he said, “I’m giving you the Holy Spirit but consult the church committees first”

trippfuller: RT:@dtatusko #myfavoritebiblestory when jesus said, “if someone strikes you on the right cheek, get your carry and conceal permit asap.”

GayRainArmy: #myfavoritebiblestory is the one where Jesus goes out to the leper colony to tell them they had it coming.

GayRainArmy: #myfavoritebiblestory is the one where Jesus says “I am the light of the world. And by ‘world’ I mean ‘America.’ The “real” America.”

dtatusko: #myfavoritebiblestory jesus said, “see how the pharisees observe the law as clearly written by god. do as they do. just ignore me.

me: #myfavoritebiblestory is the one where Jesus says “love your neighbors only as much as they’ve loved you.”
What is your favorite Bible story? With or without the irony…

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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