6 thoughts on “My Drama with Obama”

  1. I am not impressed with many things about Barack Obama. What I am impressed with most is the fact that he listens. He LISTENS to Americans. He will continue to do so. People follow him. We need some real leadership.
    No matter of experience can prepare you for the white house, unless you are already there. What is most important is listening and leadership.
    That is why Barack Obama has shown wisdom and clarity in his judegments.

  2. I am not impressed with many things about Barack Obama. What I am impressed with most is the fact that he listens. He LISTENS to Americans. He will continue to do so. People follow him. We need some real leadership.
    No matter of experience can prepare you for the white house, unless you are already there. What is most important is listening and leadership.
    That is why Barack Obama has shown wisdom and clarity in his judegments.

  3. Well, I’m an Obama fan, but I did fine the piece interesting. It definitely raises some questions as far as the work he did in the Illinois legislature. Now, I do think that he has the best answers for the problems we face now, no matter what his past is.

  4. Well, I’m an Obama fan, but I did fine the piece interesting. It definitely raises some questions as far as the work he did in the Illinois legislature. Now, I do think that he has the best answers for the problems we face now, no matter what his past is.

  5. The article portrays Obama as more cunning a politician than I had previously thought. On the flip side he’s shown to be not what we are led to believe. Like George W. Bush, Obama is a made man. And like Bush he will have to answer to his masters when the time comes. I’m no Republican, but I rooted for Bush when he ran on a platform of reconciliation in 2000. The reality of his administration is anything but. I see a parallel in the making, but this time the stooge is in the Democratic camp. As our illustrious President once stammered, “Fool me once, shame one – shame on you. Fool me – You can’t get fooled again.”

  6. The article portrays Obama as more cunning a politician than I had previously thought. On the flip side he’s shown to be not what we are led to believe. Like George W. Bush, Obama is a made man. And like Bush he will have to answer to his masters when the time comes. I’m no Republican, but I rooted for Bush when he ran on a platform of reconciliation in 2000. The reality of his administration is anything but. I see a parallel in the making, but this time the stooge is in the Democratic camp. As our illustrious President once stammered, “Fool me once, shame one – shame on you. Fool me – You can’t get fooled again.”

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