Monday morning rant

I sent part of this to my mom, and thought I’d share it here too…
I think all the fuss about the Di Vinci Code is just funny. It’s a fiction book. It’s not meant to be true. So it just makes me laugh that all these churches are getting up in arms against it – as they did the book. It just breeds more controversy and makes more money for the author.
I wish Christians in American would be just as passionate about Darfur, or helping immigrants, or starving children around the world as they are about a silly book or movie.
I still remember all the fuss about The Last Temptation of Christ. If there were no protests or fuss, the movie wouldn’t have gotten half the money or press that it did. But instead Christians got up in arms, protested, boycotted and made the movie company lots of money.
People like Howard Stern and others make tons of money by being controversial on purpose.
The more people fuss and rant about him, the more free press he gets and the more money he makes.
Yet, we won’t have compassion on AIDS orphans in Africa – because that’s not America.
Oh well, just got me on a rant. I think Amy always found my rants about Christians and politics amusing – I don’t know if she ever agreed with me, but I think she found them amusing.

In another rant, I keep getting e-mails from people talking about how hard it is for American’s to go to Mexico and work. And all the paperwork and loopholes you have to go there to work legally.
I’m sure there point is, “This is what Mexico does – so we should too.”
But shouldn’t we do unto others as we would have them do unto us – not as they do to us.
Maybe I’m still hung up on what Bono preached Friday night.
“Get involved in what God is doing, because it’s already blessed.”
And God is with the poor. He’s in the slums. He’s in the cardboard boxes. He’s with the poor Mexican immigrant crossing the border to find another life for him and his family. He’s with the poor Mexican mother who’s husband has left to work the fields in American. He’s with the orphan AIDS child in Africa. He’s with the single mother living in Texas with four children on welfare and another one on the way.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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