Mac user punished for loyalty

From Wisebread:

I’m an unapologetic Mac-junkie. I’ve got an old, dead Mac laptop that I can’t bear to part with from 1996. Our iMac is still up and running, having recently been put out to pasture after a disk drive malfunction. I eagerly bought one of the early iPods, and still use it all the time. And I’m writing to you now from my G4 Cube, which was a gift from a friend years ago. I’ve watched other Mac lovers fall away from the True Faith, one-by-one, but I never thought it would happen to me. However, yesterday when we brought home the newest addition to our Mac family, an 80 Gb iPod Classic, it would be my turn to be disillusioned. After you pay the hefty $249 price tag, plus an extra $30 for a wall charger (they used to bundle those in for free), plus $55 for the composite AV cable for your TV, plus any other little extras you may need, there is a hidden cost that blows up in your face when you get it home.

In short, the new iPods are not compatible with any operating system before OS 10.4.8. There’s a good discussion of the problem here. Basically, if you don’t have a newer operating system, you have to buy it before you can use your iPod. If you can’t run the newest OS, Leopard, you need to call Apple tech support and they’ll graciously sell you the outdated and obsolete Tiger for $129. You can imagine what I said to this gracious offer, after plunking down $350 for the device.

What all of this comes down to, for me, is that I am tired of the platform wars. Enough is enough already. I’m tired of manufacturers trying to force me to buy equipment I don’t want and need, or pointless “upgrades” (I shudder to think of my old cube trying to run a bloated newer operating system), just so that I can listen to a song, or download TV shows from iTunes (which, by the way, I was planning to do extensively). I’m tired of trying to exchange text files with people who have some subtly different document format, and seeing all of my formatting turned into gibberish. I’m tired of declaring loyalty to one manufacturer or another just because I bought their product.

When I take my car in for repairs, the mechanic never tells me that my older model car is “no longer supported,” or that my new tires are incompatible with my older chassis. I am not forced to stop using my refrigerator because my new food is suddenly incompatible with it. And while I’m on the subject, I don’t understand why I need a desktop or a laptop computer at all to use my iPod or my other smart devices. Has no one ever thought of making an ethernet or wireless adapter so that we can download our tunes directly from the internet? Of course not! Because then people might decide they don’t need a $2000 laptop just so they can listen to music in the car. Slam dunk!

Laurie decided to make the switch back to PC and from what I understand she’s loving (most of) her new PC with Vista. I’m just wondering how much longer people will put up with proprietary equipment. No wonder Linux fans are such fanatics.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “Mac user punished for loyalty”

  1. Thank you for posting this. I am not a Mac fan, but I think this post reveals a larger market process at play: “platform wars”.

    I don’t think Mac is the only one involved with it either. My older software does not work with Windows XP.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I am not a Mac fan, but I think this post reveals a larger market process at play: “platform wars”.

    I don’t think Mac is the only one involved with it either. My older software does not work with Windows XP.

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