Less than nine hours to go

Just wanted to fill each of you in on how you can keep track of our trip “around the world” over the next few weeks or so.
I’ve started a new blog site (God bless blogger), where I hope to post daily updates about our trips between now and Oct. 12.


We will leave Rockwall, Texas tonight around 1 a.m. and head to Branson, Missouri.
After Branson, we will drive to Ottumwa, Iowa for a show there on Friday and Saturday night.
We’ll return to Dallas, where “Jesus Freak” Rob Vaughn and I will travel with a group of 13 others to Jos, Nigeria.
I’m so stoked.
We covet your prayers for the next couple weeks and feel free to share the link with others.
Thank you all for your support, especially those who gave financially.
God bless and I hope to see you all again real soon.

BTW – if you’re interested in e-mailing me, to make things easier, I will only be checking one e-mail account while travelling. Please direct all e-mail to: jdblundell (at) gmail (dot) com.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

One thought on “Less than nine hours to go”

  1. You’re not the only one that’s stoked, psyched up and a bit thrilled. I wish I was going with you.

    This adventure is the stuff of great travel stories, books and literature for reasons you might not have imagined yet. Keep as many notes as possible, take tons of pictures and recall all you can when you get back.

    Have a good, safe and productive trip.

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