Latest update on Nigeria

July 29, 2006

Dear Friends and Family,

It has been an interesting year to say the least. Maybe I should say an interesting 18 months. To think about all the changes I have seen in myself, friends and family over the last 18 months is almost overwhelming.
Earlier this year I prepared a letter to ask for support to travel to Nigeria in October with the Christian Wrestling Federation. Shortly after I sent my first batch of letters out, the trip was cancelled and then rescheduled due to logistic matters.
As I began to think about a March 2007 trip, the opportunity arose for me to join the CWF founder, Rob Vaughn, and our original group from Lakepoint Church in Rockwall, to spend two weeks in September and October to work on the logistical issues of bringing a two-ton ring and a live wrestling show to Jos, Nigeria.
Rob and I will join a group of 20 or so individuals from Sept. 26 to Oct. 11, in Nigeria working with orphanages, doing medical missions and preparing to bring our entire CWF team to the country in March.
We are thrilled to even consider the opportunity of bringing our ministry, which has witnessed over 5,000 decisions for Christ in the last six years, to the nation of Nigeria.
We plan to bring a complete CWF team in March to the African nation, for two weeks of CWF shows in soccer stadiums and villages around the country.
For those of you unfamiliar with our ministry, I have enclosed one of our latest newsletters to share our ministry and goals with you.
But for this to happen, we are each asking for prayer and financial backing from our friends and family.
There are some major costs associated with taking our ministry overseas and for myself and Rob, with two trips within six months, the costs will be even greater.
I ask that you please join us in prayer as the time ticks down on the calendar until we leave Sept. 26. I also ask that as we arrive in Nigeria we will find the solutions to the problems we face, including finding a way to ship our wrestling ring to Nigeria or finding a local wrestling promotion that we can rent a ring from.
We also pray that both teams (in September and March) will be able to do God’s work and meet the people of Nigeria where they are and show them the love and grace God extends to everyone. May the people of Nigeria see that we are ordinary men, who have spent time with Jesus (Acts 4:13). Pray that they will see the difference in our lives, which only Christ can bring about. Pray that God will begin to work now in the lives of those we will meet as well as our own individual lives. Pray that each of us will be prepared to share the hope we have whenever we are called upon.
I would also ask that you pray about giving financially to our trip. You can contribute directly to my account, or make a donation to the entire group.
If you feel led to support us financially, you may give a one-time gift or make monthly payments between now and March. If you’d like to make a secure donation online, please click the PayPal button on the left hand column. A small thank you reminder can me mailed or e-mailed to you monthly, if you so choose.
Thank you for your time and may God continue to shine His face upon you.

In Christ,

Jonathan Blundell

For more information on the Christian Wrestling Federation, see the enclosed newsletter or visit:

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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