Larry Kilgore running for U.S Senate now?

Larry Kilgore, as you may recall, ran for Texas Governor in the 2006 Republican primary.
As we should all know by now, Gov. Rick Perry won that race as well as the final race in November.
Now Kilgore hopes to win a seat in the U.S. Senate and has announced his plans to run against John Cornyn next year.
On his campaign website, Kilgore compares those who allow abortion to continue with the Nazis and Nazi sympathizers in Germany:

50 million babies have been murdered through US endorsed abortion. They need the protection that God’s law provides. Some Christian leaders in the US Empire are willing to compromise on child murder; just like many of the Nazi German pastors compromised on murder of the Jewish people. The Deutsche Christen (“German Christians”) became the voice of Nazi ideology within the Evangelical Church, even advocating the removal of the Old Testament from the Bible. While some Confessing Christians moved toward open resistance against the regime, more moderate Protestants (inside and outside the Confessing Church) made what they saw as necessary compromises. As the Nazi dictatorship tightened its hold, the Confessing Church itself became paralyzed. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was one of the few church leaders who stood in courageous opposition to the Fuehrer and his policies. Will you stand up in opposition to the US government and her policies?

Kilgore is also big on turning the U.S. into a theocracy and is also running on these issues:

  • Eliminate TX budget for Prisons. $2B
  • Eliminate TX budget for health & human services. $25.5B (2 Corinthians 9:6-14, 1 Timothy 5:3-16)
  • Eliminate TX budget for government indoctrination of children. (public education). $23B
  • Texans should become independent then stop paying US taxes. $123B
  • Texas should secede because the US has sealed its doom.
  • Immediate return of Texas National Guard troops from US conscription.

More interesting viewpoints from Kilgore:

What do you think of democracy?
Democracy and Terrorism: Two Faces Of The Same Evil.

Do our citizens who never learned to support themselves, just get put somewhere away from us until they die of exposure, starvation, illness, or the like?
If Christians refuse to help the poor, widows and orphans, than we do not deserve freedom. If a lazy man does not work, he should not eat. It is not the government’s job to feed and clothe people.

Does the story of the woman caught in adultery, forgiven and released (John 8:3-11) negate the death penalty?
If God forgave the New Testament adulterer just as He forgave Old Testament adulterers, in neither instance revoking His law. God has all authority to forgive the criminal and disregard temporal punishment. Contrariwise, Men must obey God and cannot ignore punishment.

Do we empty our prisons, and let the inmates fend for themselves at the citizen’s expense?
When the prisoners are freed, a judge will have to determine what Biblical punishment is appropriate. I hope that Christians will sensibly welcome these people into their churches, businesses & homes.

While it’s not publicized on his campaign website, it’s been suggested by one local blogger that Kilgore would institute the death penalty for homosexuals. That’s good – because we all know that sin is way worse than all the others.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

4 thoughts on “Larry Kilgore running for U.S Senate now?”

  1. Dear Jonathan,

    Please forgive me for not finding your post sooner! I am the media coordinator for Larry Kilgore, and I invite you and other Christians to check out his campaign blog: My hope and prayer is to reveal the Christian family man Mr. Kilgore is, instead of letting voters believe the biased demonizing he has received from the liberal press.
    If you have any questions, please contact me at:
    Thank you and may the good LORD bless you.

  2. Dear Jonathan,

    Please forgive me for not finding your post sooner! I am the media coordinator for Larry Kilgore, and I invite you and other Christians to check out his campaign blog: My hope and prayer is to reveal the Christian family man Mr. Kilgore is, instead of letting voters believe the biased demonizing he has received from the liberal press.
    If you have any questions, please contact me at:
    Thank you and may the good LORD bless you.

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