Jeremiah Wright’s entire sermon

Jeremiah Wright medic

Well everyone I know has an opinion on Rev. Jeremiah Wright now and what they know or don’t know about “Black Liberation Theology.”

Jeffrey Weis over at the DMN has links to the entire “God damn America” sermon (as a side note – notice he’s not swearing, he’s actually saying, “God condemn America”).

To the many of you who have weighed in here on whether or not Rev. Wright is on target or a hatemonger, I strongly suggest that you personally experience the entire sermon about “Confusing God and government.” There is a lot more to it than you’ve heard or read. More to make you angry, if you are in that direction, and more to make you think, no matter where you sit on this. The overarching theme of the sermon is that governments lie, change, and fail. But that God and Jesus do not.

I haven’t listened to the entire message yet – hope to do so soon. But here’s a couple interesting nuggets that Weis pointed to:

Here’s a nugget to make you mad: “Our money says In God we Trust, and our military says we will kill under the orders of our Commander-in-Chief if you dare to believe otherwise.”

And here’s a nugget that turns the thought that he’s simply anti-white on its head: “Long before there was a red, white and blue colonization, the Egyptian government was doing colonization. They colonized half the continent of Africa, they colonized parts of the Mediterranean. All colonizers ain’t white. Turn to your neighbor and say “oppressors come in all colors.” Hello, hello, hello.”

Listen to the full sermon. Read the sermon.

See what Mike Huckabee had to say.

I have to wonder, is this simply an act of the national media trying to show they’re not absolutely infatuated by Barack Obama as Hillary Clinton’s campaign (and Saturday Night Live) have suggested? Were they desperate for dirt so they simply found a great sound bite they could use to discredit Obama’s campaign?

Share your thoughts (after you read everything in context)….

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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