If you think I’m going to hell, you should care that I’m going to hell.

In the latest Next-Wave EzineDan Kimball writes:

Jesus didn’t seem to focus on hell as a means of evangelism. I am fully aware of how Jesus focused on the Kingdom of Heaven on earth for His teachings, not only the after-life. I think we have often taken hell and subtly infused hell as the primary focus and motivation for salvation and the gospel – which I think has altered what the 1 Cor. 15 gospel holistically is. But then I fear that some can remove hell and judgment from the gospel and we are left with the same path some of the more extreme “liberal” (so to speak, I don’t like using terms but can’t think of others right now) churches currently and in the past have taken to where hell, judgment, eternal shutting out from the presence of God (2 Thess. 1:7-9) is not mentioned or seen only as a metaphor for this life and not the afterlife. It has to be holistic and I believe in eternal judgment and there is separation.

Would the subject line describe you? Do we get too caught up in the salvation of a person that we forget about caring and loving them?
I pray it’s not true.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

2 thoughts on “If you think I’m going to hell, you should care that I’m going to hell.”

  1. Many people, all around the world, are in living hells on earth. I think the Christian focus should be on pulling more of the earth out of the fire, especially since most hells on earth are either caused or greatly exacerbated by human action or indifference.

    A good way for people to do this is to follow Jesus’ example.

  2. Many people, all around the world, are in living hells on earth. I think the Christian focus should be on pulling more of the earth out of the fire, especially since most hells on earth are either caused or greatly exacerbated by human action or indifference.

    A good way for people to do this is to follow Jesus’ example.

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