If you ask me my politics

Jesus in the desert - Day 21
Jesus in the desert – Day 21 by Si Smith

Brian Zahnd writes in Farewell to Mars:

And you thought it was just Sunday school banality
or empty religious sentimentality
to pray
Thy Empire come
Thy Policy be done.
You had no idea it was dissident and subversive,
because every empire of men is built upon a lie.
The lie that the empire has God on its side.
I glimpsed this truth out of the corner of my eye.
And if you ask me my politics, I will say,
Jesus is Lord!

I’ve been chewing on those last two lines quite a bit since I read them Friday night.

Chewing on what that would look like.

Chewing on how that would change me and my conversations.

Chewing on why I can’t honestly say that’s truly my politics.

Because I want it to be my politics. I want it to be the only side I take. I want it to be the only way I view the world.

And yet I still follow the empires of man.

Read the full poem.

Published by

Jonathan Blundell

I'm a husband, father of three, blogger, podcaster, author and media geek who is hoping to live a simple life and follow The Way.

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